Celtic knots A collection of Celtic knot patterns. Added on 2002-10-19
Looms Clifford A.Pickover in his book "Keys to Infinity" has a chapter entitled "The loom of creation",in which he describes webs spun on a circular frame. One end of the wires is tied at regular intervals, but the other end moves at a different pace.The images below are made along this principle. Added on 2002-05-01
Spirals! Page 4 The last of the spirals... Added on 2002-02-01
Bubbles These patterns are obtained by a fractal tree type algorithm.
Spheres 'grow' on a base sphere, and sprout further spheres of their own.
The different tree branches start to overlap and generate patterns. Added on 2004-11-01
Tiles Simple tiling diagrams... Added on 2002-06-01
Wacky Wallpapers Hexagonal symmetry of fractal shapes.. Added on 2001-08-01