| | | References2024November Image sur couverture | Image de couverture pour Tangente (arbre pythagorique)
| January Image sur couverture2023June Illustration2022December Image sur couvertureMarch Image sur affiche | Image sur l'affiche pour le Rallye mathématique de Bourgogne, en Mars 2022.
| January Image sur couverture2021December IllustrationsMay Cover image | Cover image for the April 2021 edition of "La gazette des mathématiciens", published by the Société Mathématique de France.
| May Image sur couverture2020December Online article |
"Realising the hyperbolic: A parallel perspective ". Article by Jos Leys, published by Bhavana, an online mathematics magazine in India.
| December Image sur affiche | Image sur l'affiche pour le Rallye mathématique de Bourgogne, en Février 2021.
| November Image de couvertureApril Image sur couvertureFebruary Group exhibition | Participation in a group exhibition "Mathématiques et Art,de l'univers classique à l'univers fractal" at the Mairie du Ve, Place du Panthéon in Paris, January 30 to February 7, 2020.
| January Image sur affiche | Image sur l'affiche pour le congrès de la Société Mathématique de France, en Mai 2020 à Nancy.
2019December Image on magazine coverFebruary Lecture2018November LectureOctober Image sur couvertureSeptember Image on posterMay Book illustrations | Multiple illustrations for "A singular mathematical promenade", a free book by Etienne Ghys.
A stroll in the mathematical world. This is neither an elementary introduction to the theory of singularities, nor a specialized treatise containing many new theorems. The purpose of this little book is to invite the reader on a mathematical promenade. We pay a visit to Hipparchus, Newton and Gauss, but also to many contemporary mathematicians. We play with a bit of algebra, topology, geometry, complex analysis, combinatorics, and computer science. Hopefully, motivated undergraduates and more advanced mathematicians will enjoy some of these panoramas.
| April Lecture | Conférence avec Etienne Ghys à l'occasion du Congrès Mathématiques et Diffusions,à Nantes, le 12 Avril 2018 sur le sujet de la structure des flocons de neige.
| April Online article |
"Ceci n'est pas une géodésique ". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| March Magazine articleFebruary Image sur afficheJanuary Classer les formes avec Henri Poincaré "Classer les formes avec Henri Poincaré" a lecture by Nicolas Bergeron in the 'Un texte, un mathématicien' lecture series at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, January 17 2018.
Images and animations.
2017December Image on poster | Image on a poster for a talk by Anna Wienhard, at the Berlin Mathematical School.
| December IllustrationDecember Un Mathématicien aux Métallos October Lecture | Conférence de clôture des Journées nationales de l'APMEP , "SurpreNantes mathématiques, entre terre et mer" , Octobre 24 2017 sur le sujet de "Fractales en trois dimensions". Vous pouvez visionner la conférence ici.
| October Image on poster | Image sur l'affiche pour un expo Imaginary à Caen.
| September Image on posterMay Cover ImageApril LectureFebruary Magazine cover image | Cover image for the January 2017 edition of "La gazette des mathématiciens", published by the Société Mathématique de France. In this edition there is also an article by Nicolas Bergeron for which I made some illustrations.
| February Lecture | Voordracht 'Van fractalen in het vlak naar fractalen in drie dimensies' op 4 februari 2017 in Noordwijkerhout,NL, tijdens de 'Nationale Wiskunde Dagen'.
| January Animations and images | I made about 300 animations and images for Analysis Situs a new website on algebraic topology.
A selection of these animations are on a YouTube channel .
2016November Lecture | Voordracht over 'Visuele parels uit de wiskunde' op 19 november 2016 in KULAK Kortrijk,tijdens de 'Dag van de Wiskunde-tweede en derde graad'.
| November LectureOctober Magazine cover image | Image de couverture et illustrations pour Tangente, Octobre 2016.
| May Article illustrationsMay Group exhibition | Participation in a group exhibition as part of the FESTA DELLA MATEMATICA 2016 in the Palazzo Medici in Florence, Italy , April 4 to April 24, 2016.
Photos are here.
| February Magazine cover imageFebruary Mathematikon | A number of my images are on display in the newly opened Mathematikon in Heidelberg that houses both the faculty of mathematics, and a shopping center.
February TED conference animationFebruary Magazine cover images2015November La sphère de Poincaré "La sphère de Poincaré" a lecture by Nicolas Bergeron in the 'Mathematic Park' lecture series at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
Images and animations.
October Cover image | Cover image for the October 2015 edition of "La gazette des mathématiciens", published by the Société Mathématique de France.
| August LectureJune LectureMay Book illustrations | Several illustrations for "Le rêve d'Euclide", a book on hyperbolic geometry by Maurice Margenstern, emeritus professor at the Université de Lorraine.
| May Lecture | Lecture on "Visual gems in mathematics" during the proclamation of the 2014-2015 Flemish Math Olympiad. Antwerp University, May 20 2015.
| March Exposition | Exposition of 15 of my images at the théâtre Astrée in the University of Lyon, on the occasion of "La semaine des maths".
| March Article about my workFebruary Article illustrations | Illustrations for an article by Nicolas Bergeron in the February edition of La Recherche.
| January Cover image | Cover image for the January 2015 edition of "La gazette des mathématiciens", published by the Société Mathématique de France.
2014November Foreword to picture book on 3D fractals.November Image on posterSeptember Image in magazineMay Book Illustrations | Several illustrations for "50 visions of mathematics".The book celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) .
| March Public Lecture | Public lecture: "Mathematical Imagery:A tale about Escher, the fourth dimension and chaos" in the framework of the Eleventh International Conference on
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing at Leuven University. ( MCQMC2014 ) Tuesday, April 8, 2014.
| January Animations pour un film sur Poincaré
January Métro Paris Montparnasse | Une de mes images (l'attracteur de Lorenz) se trouve sur une fresque géante à la station de métro Montparnasse-Bienvenüe à Paris. (Janvier 2014 seulement).
2013December Astronomy picture of the day
December Image for key museum | Image for a small museum on keys in Germany (Kleines Rietschener Schluesselmuseum)
December Image on posterDecember Book illustrationsDecember Article in bookDecember Book coverNovember Calendrier mathématiqueOctober Tattoo |  | Ouch! This must have hurt... Somebody (not me!) had one of my Ultrafractal designs tattooed on his back..
| September Conférence | Conférence sur le film Chaos lors de la Rentrée Académique du
Département de Mathématique de l'Université de Liège, le 18 septembre 2013.
| February Online article |
"Groupes kleinéens en 3D ". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
2012December Images for math conference poster | Images on poster for a math conference. Nantes, February 4 to 8, 2013.
| November Le retour de M. Poincaré "Le retour de M. Poincaré, or, "Comment Henri Poincaré aurait presque pu aider Jules Verne" a lecture by Etienne Ghys at the occasion of "10 hours with Henri Poincaré", organised to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Poincaré's passing on November 17,2012 at the Sorbonne, Paris.
Images and animations
October Group exhibitionMay Online article |
"Comment dessiner un hécatonicosachore ?". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| May LectureFebruary Poster for math-art exhibition | Poster for a Mathematics and Art exhibition at the Mairie du Ve, Place du Panthéon in Paris. (February 1 to 18, 2012).
2011December Lecture | Conférence sur quelques aspects des maths dans l'oeuvre de M.C.Escher pendant le jour d'étude "Mathématiques en tête", organisé par la Société libre d'Emulation à l'Embarcadère du Savoir à Liège.
|  | December Images on posterOctober Image on posterSeptember Book cover image | Cover image for "Tores et Torsades, a book by Jean Charvolin and Jean-François Sadoc. ( In French, EDP Sciences.)
| September Image on posterSeptember Image on posterJuly Group exhibition | Participation in a group exhibition "Mathématiques et Art", organized by the European Society for Mathematics and Art (ESMA) in the Maison des Arts in Aime, France, June 7 to July 23, 2011.
| June Abel price lecture |
John Milnor received the 2011 Abel price. At this occasion Etienne Ghys gave a Science Lecture about "A guided tour of the seventh dimension" for which I provided some images and animations.
There is a video of this lecture on this page.
March Image on posterFebruary Magazine coverFebruary What's happening in the mathematical sciences?January Book illustrationsJanuary Book illustrationsJanuary Image on posterJanuary Image on poster January Magazine article illustration |
Illustration (a Mandelbox fractal) for "L'album de l'année", an article in La Recherche magazine (January 2011) about the most striking scientific images of 2010. |
2010December Math CalendarNovember Math textbookOctober Online article |
"Benoît Mandelbrot, un hommage en images". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| October Image on poster from Cambridge UniversityOctober Journal coverOctober Book illustrationsSeptember Math textbookAugust Article illustration |
Illustration for "Du relief pour les fractales", article by Christoph Pöppe published in "Pour la Science" | July Math textbookJuly Lecture
Lecture on the Dimensions film at the ESMA "Mathematics and Art" conference in Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré, 19-22 July 2010. |
July Journal coverJune Online article |
"Un ballon de foot fractal". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| June Group exhibition | Participation in a group exhibition "Mathématique et Art", organized by the European Society for Mathematics and Art (ESMA) in the Institut Henri Poincaré June 7 to July 25, 2010.
(11, Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
| June Clay Public Lecture |
"Les maths ne sont qu'une histoire de groupes ('Mathematics is just a tale about groups"), the 2010 Clay Mathematics Institute Public Lecture, by Etienne Ghys. Images and animations.
Monday June 7, 2010 at the Institut Océanographique, 195, rue Saint-Jacques - 75005 Paris.
May Online article |
"Mandelbox". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| May Article illustrations |
Illustrations pour "Sculptures du chaos", ("Sculptures of chaos") article par Safieddine Bouali (Tunisie) publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| April Journal coverApril Online article |
"Ringworld". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| March Book illustrationsJanuary Book illustrationJanuary Online article |
"Mandelbulb". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| January Lecture
Conférence sur le film Dimensions à l'occasion du colloque "Géométrie et images numériques", organisé par La Cité des Géométries, le 15 janvier 2010 à la Gare Numérique de Jeumont. |
January Article illustration |
Illustration for "A Tisket, a Tasket, an Apollonian Gasket...
Fractals made of circles do funny things to mathematicians" an article by Dana Mackenzie published in American Scientist.
2009November Book illustrationsOctober Math textbookOctober Journal coverOctober Group exhibitionOctober Article illustrations |
Illustrations pour "Les lacs de Wada", ("The lakes of Wada") article par Etienne Ghys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| August Online article |
"L'effet Droste". Article par Jos Leys publié sur le site "Images des Mathématiques" du CNRS ( Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France).
| August The Math book | Several illustrations for "The Math Book :, from Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics" by Clifford A. Pickover
| June Journal cover imageJune Math textbook | Several illustrations for "Géométries et Dynamiques, a book edited by Khaled Sadallah and Abdelghani Zeghib on lectures given during a CIMPA summer school in El-Oued, Algeria. (In French, Hermann éditeurs).
| June Book on mathematical imageryMay article | Article on "The art of Francesco Mai", published in Images des Mathématiques, a website of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.
(article in French).
| May What's happening in the mathematical sciences? |
“What's happening in the mathematical sciences?” by Dana Mackenzie.
Published by the American Mathematical Society.
(Several illustrations.)
See the article "A new twist in knot theory" online.
AMS bookstore |
April Lecture | Lecture at Delft Technical University on "Dimensions, een wiskunde film" ("Dimensions" a math movie) during the "Kaleidoscoopdag.
| April Math textbook | Cover image for "Grundkurs Topologie, a book by Gerd Laures and Markus Szymik. ( In German, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.)
| April Journal coverMarch Article illustrations | Illustrations and animations for an article by Etienne Ghys "Le moulin à eau de Lorenz", the Lorenz waterwheel, published in Images des Mathématiques, a website of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.
| February Article illustrations | Illustrations and animations for an article by Etienne Ghys "Le pli et la fronce", "Of folds and cusps", published in Images des Mathématiques, a website of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.
| January Article | Article on hyperbolic geometry "Une chambre hyperbolique", the hyperbolic chamber, published in Images des Mathématiques, a website of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.
An English language version is here.
| January Journal cover2008December Article illustrations | Illustrations and animations for an article by Etienne Ghys "La courbe de Menger", the Menger curve, published in Images des Mathématiques, a website of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.
| December Math textbook | Cover image for "Algèbre I, Groupes, Corps et Théorie de Galois", a book by Daniel Guin and Thomas Hausberger.
| November IllustrationNovember Magazine articleOctober Book coverSeptember Journal cover | Cover image for the October edition of Mathematics Today, the journal of the Institute of Mathematics (United Kingdom).
| August Book illustration | Illustration for a math textbook. (Bayerischer Schulbug Verlag)
| July Book coverJuly Topology conference poster | Artwork for a poster on a topology conference in Brasil.
| July Math textbookJune Dimensions DVDJune Math and the arts bookApril Television series | Images and animations for Mathematics Illuminated a 13-part television series by Oregon Public Broadcasting. Mathematics Illuminated is a 13-part multimedia learning resource for adult learners and high school teachers in math and other disciplines. The series explores major themes in the field of mathematics, from mankind's earliest study of prime numbers to the cutting edge mathematics used to reveal the shape of the universe.
| February Australian book illustration | Three illustrations for a book by Burkard Polster of Monash University, Australia, entitled "Eye twisters", "Ambigrams and other visual puzzles to amaze and entertain."
| January PosterJanuary Chinese book illustration | Illustrations for a book by Zhang Yanxiang of University of Science and Technology , China, entitled "Contemporary art of science and technology".
| January Calendar | The image for december in the 2008 calendar of the American Mathematical Society.
| January Group exhibition, Paris.2007December Book illustration | Illustrations for a book by Prof. Vicente Meanilla of Zaragossa University, Spain, entitled "Las matematicas del arte".
| December Group exhibition, Imaginary | Participation in a group exhibition "Imaginary" at the occasion of "2008, Jahr der Mathematik". The exhibition is traveling all over Germany during 2008: Munich, Berlin, Kaiserslautern, Stuttgart, Potsdam, Leipzig, Kassel, Cologne, Saarbrucken, Mainz.
| November Magazine illustration |  |
Illustrations for an article in Pour la Science, November 2007 (French edition of "Scientific American"), by Jean-Paul Delahaye entitled "Les pavages fins" (fine tilings). | August "Cto eto?" Ukranian technology magazine article |
Article on my work in the July 2007 issue. (in Russian) | June Computers & Graphics article  |
"The Droste effect image transformation". Article by Jos Leys published in Computers and Graphics, Volume 31, Issue 3, June 2007.
| April Exhibition |
“Mathématiques et Arts”
Exhibition at the library of Paris XII university.
March 5 to April 5 2007
See photos
here, and see the exhibition catalog
March Mathematics TodayMarch Math textbook |
“Investigations” Series of math textbooks
Published by Pearson Scott Foresman.
(Cover image.)
February What's happening in the mathematical sciences? |
“What's happening in the mathematical sciences?” by Dana Mackenzie and Barry Cipra.
Published by the American Mathematical Society.
(Several illustrations.)
AMS bookstore |
January Spektrum der Wissenschaft |
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, February 2007 ( German edition of Scientific American)
“ Jos Leys – Meister der fraktalen Kunst ” by Christoph Pöppe.
See the "Articles" section for a copy of this article.
Spektrum website
January Journal cover image2006October Book coverAugust ICM 2006 Benoit mandelbrot Fractal art contest |
Fractal art contest at the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid, August 2006
"Indra Family" was one of 16 works chosen from over 200 entries, and these were shown at an exhibition in the Centro Cultural Conde Duque during the Congress
The image on the left is from an article on the exhibition that appeared in "El Pais" (Spanish national newspaper)
The image on the right shows the exhibition organisers, together with Professsor Mandelbrot and his wife.
July Topology conference posterJune Maple manual book cover |
“Maple Calculus manual”
“Student edition for Penn State University”
(Professor Ted Chinburg)
April Les nouvelles d'Archimède |
Les nouvelles d'Archimède, April 2006 ( Les Nouvelles d'Archimède est le journal culturel de l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. )
“ Les beautés mathématiques de Leys ” by Jean-Paul Delahaye.
See the "Articles" section for a copy of this article.
April Pour la Science |
Pour la Science, April 2006 ( French edition of Scientific American)
“ Jos Leys, artiste géomètre ” by Jean-Paul Delahaye.
See the "Articles" section for a copy of this article.
March The Mobius StripMarch Poincaré et le monde non euclidien "Poincaré et le monde non euclidien ('Poincaré and the non-euclidian world"), a lecture by Etienne Ghys in the "Un texte, un mathématicien" cycle organised by the French mathematical Society at the Bibliothèque National de France in Paris on March 15, 2006.
This is my first collaboration with Etienne where I provided images and animations for his lecture.
Etienne Ghys - "Henri Poincaré et le monde non euclidien" from Soc. Mathématique de France on Vimeo.
2005October Chinese textbook |
New Media Art by Petrel Zyx
Chinese textbook for use at universities
Several illustrations
http://www.zyxart.com/ |
September Ukranian Technology magazine |
Chto yeto? Ukranian Technology magazine
Cover page and small article entitled “Fractal Master”
June Année mondiale de la Physique |
Année mondiale de la Physique. World Year of Physics, 2005.
Brochure, (in French) several illustrations (Penrose tiles and Hyperbolic tilings).
Brochure was also distributed at the « Salon de la culture et des jeux mathématiques » in Paris, June 2005.
http://www.physique2005-idf.com/ |
June Sphere inversion fractalsApril A passion for mathematics2004December SCIENCE MagazineNovember Wonders of Kleinian GroupsOctober Course materialAugust Set of four prints |
Set of four prints ordered for the control room of Total’s offshore operations in Den Helder, The Netherlands. |
May Stalking the Riemann hypothesis. |
Stalking the Riemann hypothesis. By Dan Rockmore.
A non-technical account of the history of the Riemann Hypothesis, a 150 year-old unsolved math problem, whose solution gets to the heart of out understanding of the way in the which the prime numbers are distributed among the integers.
(several illustrations)
http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~rockmore/ |
April The Universal Book of MathematicsFebruary Pour la Science (illustration) |
Pour la Science, February 2004 ( French edition of Scientific American)
Illustrations for an article entitled “ Calculer dans un monde hyperbolique? ” by Jean-Paul Delahaye.
Subject : hyperbolic geometry.
2003March Custom animationFebruary Math textbook cover graphics |
Calculus, by George B. Thomas and Ross L. Finley
Pearson custom publishing.
Cover graphics.
January Logo for the mathematics department2002December Biomorphic art: an artist's statement.November Geometrie und ihre Anwendungen |
“Geometrie und ihre Anwendungen” by Georg Glaeser.
Elsevier Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
Illustrations in a chapter on hyperbolic geometry.
http://tinyurl.com/rtmkw |
October Lecture illustration |
A lecture on Penrose tilings of the plane, by Sir Roger Penrose.
These notes are from a lecture given by Sir. Roger Penrose at The Pennsylvania State University MASS Colloquium. The topic of the lecture was on tiling the plane and 5-fold symmetry. The lecture
was given on October 24th, 2002.
May Best in showMarch Featured artist | | Copyright 2025 Jos Leys |
| |