Lorenz and modular flows: a visual introductionA tangled tale linking lattices, knots, templates, and strange attractors.
1.Introduction Sometimes, seemingly unrelated objects turn out to be
related... We would like to present here a mathematical example, exhibiting a
close connection between two dynamical systems, one coming from number theory and
the other from meteorology.
We would like to describe a close topological connection between these two mathematical objects.
![]() Copyright for all films and images is by Jos Leys / Etienne Ghys. 2.The Lorenz flow2.1 The Lorenz strange attractor and its periodic orbitsThe model discovered by E. Lorenz is described by the following differential equation in 3-space [3]: ![]() ![]() ![]()
Birman and Williams proved that Lorenz knots are indeed very interesting, at the same time rich enough and very peculiar. Rather than stating technical results concerning Lorenz knots, let us limit ourselves to some “numerical statements”. Recall that a knot is simply a closed curve in space with no double point, and that one says that two knots are the same, or are equivalent, if one can go from the first to the second through a continuous deformation without creating intersection points (see for instance [6], [7], [8]). One crude way of classifying knots is to order them according to their crossing number, which is the minimum number of intersections of a projection of a representative of the given knot. One knows for instance that there are 250 (prime) knots with 10 crossings or fewer. It follows from the work of Birman and Williams that among those 250, only the following 8 knots appear as periodic orbits of the Lorenz attractor. Click on the knot images below for a movie. (Knots are usually associated to a code like 8.19, meaning the 19th knot among those which can be represented in a diagram with 8 crossings, using an ordering which is more traditional than logical).
Among the 1 701 936 (prime) knots with 16 crossings or less , only 21 appear as Lorenz knots (checked using a computer and [17]).
2.2 The Lorenz templateAs a matter of fact, it is not difficult to describe these periodic orbits by an itinerary, which consists in a finite sequence of symbols, say “left” and “right”. For any such sequence, there is exactly one periodic orbit which follows this itinerary, going successively in the left and right wings of the template, in the order given by the itinerary. Conversely, the periodic orbit defines the itinerary, up to a cyclic permutation which amounts to choosing a starting point. In this way, one can imagine a study of the topology of the Lorenz knot associated to a given itinerary. This is what Birman and Williams did. The fact that this “geometric Lorenz attractor” does describe the original Lorenz equation has been established much more recently by Tucker [9],[10]. 3. The modular flow3.1 The space of lattices and its topologyGiven two linearly independent vectors ω1 , ω2 in the plane, one can consider the subgroup L of R2 that they generate: L= {n1ω1 + n2ω2| n1
, n2
A subset of the plane of this form is called a lattice. Of course, the same lattice L can be generated in many ways by two vectors. If a, b, c, d are integers such that ad−bc= ±1, the vectors aω1+ bω2 and cω1+ dω2 generate the same lattice. The set of lattices is a topological space: one says that two lattices are close if they can be generated by pairs of vectors in the plane which are close. This space has been studied for many years by mathematicians, starting with the great Gauss in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (1801), in which he discussed in depth the arithmetical theory of integral quadratic forms. Think of the plane R2as the complex plane C. For each lattice L, one can define two complex numbers
It is easy to check that these series converge since the exponents 4 and 6 are bigger than 2. Now, an odd exponent would yield a zero sum, since the lattice is obviously symmetric with respect to the origin, so that 4 and 6 are indeed the first cases to consider. As for the 60 and 140, they are normalizing constants which are not relevant to our discussion. The main point is that the pair of complex numbers ( g2(L) , g3(L) ) characterizes the lattice. More precisely, a pair of complex numbers (g2, g3) corresponds to a lattice if and only if the so-called discriminant Δ = g23− 27g32 is not zero. See for instance [11], [16] for a proof. Summing up, the space of lattices can be identified with the complement in C2 of the curve Δ = 0.
How can we look at this four dimensional object in a concrete way? If L is a lattice and k a non zero real number, one can look at the lattice kL, which is just the same as L, but rescaled by a factor k. This suggests restricting our attention to those lattices whose fundamental domain has area 1, or still in other words, those generated by two vectors ω1, ω2 defining a parallelogram of area 1. Note that g2(kL) = k−4g2 (L) ; g3(kL) = k− 6g3(L), so that for each lattice L one can find a unique k > 0 such that |g2(kL)|2+ |g3(kL)|2= 1. Hence the space of lattices of area 1 is identified with the complement of a trefoil knot in the 3-sphere, which, after deleting one point, is the complement of a trefoil knot in the usual 3-space. So, there is some hope of seeing something! Let’s have a look. To get more topological insight, let’s have a look at some additional structures in the space of lattices of area 1. Now, for the fun of it, let’s have a look at the global picture, including the trefoil, the axis, the Seifert fibers, and the Seifert surfaces, all together! (Click on the picture for a movie)
3.2 The Modular dynamicsNow that we have a clear topological idea of the space of lattices of area 1, we can define a dynamical system on that space. The definition is very simple. For every real number t, consider the matrix
If L is a lattice of area 1, its image Our purpose is to give a visual description of this flow and of its periodic orbits. This flow is a well known example of an Anosov flow which means that there are stable and unstable directions. Let us explain this. Introduce two other flows by
Note that 3.3 Periodic orbits and their linking with the trefoilWe can now start the topological description of the periodic orbits of the modular flow. There is a simple way to describe these periodic orbits. Consider a 2 × 2 matrix A with integral coefficients and determinant 1:
Clearly, the matrix A preserves the standard square lattice Z2 in R2. Suppose that A is hyperbolic, which means that |a + d| > 2 in which case A is diagonalizable over the real numbers. In this case, one can find a 2×2 matrix P such that for some t (note that the product of the two eigenvalues of A is 1). So, if we define the lattice L
to be the image of Z2 by P, one finds that L is fixed by
Hence every hyperbolic matrix A defines a periodic orbit of the modular flow. The following periodic clip (click it to run) shows a periodic orbit in the space of lattices of area 1. Note that each point follows
a hyperbola, the orbit of
It is not difficult to see that if one replaces A by ± BAB−1 where B is some other integral matrix with determinant 1, one gets the same periodic orbit. There is a natural bijection between periodic orbits of the modular flow and conjugacy classes of hyperbolic integral matrices of determinant 1, up to sign. These periodic orbits have a very old mathematical tradition. One finds them in many different areas, in different disguises: closed geodesics on the modular surface, equivalence classes of integral indefinite quadratic forms, ideal classes in quadratic number fields, continued fractions etc. Each one of these periodic orbits is a closed curve in the space of lattices of area 1, hence defines a knot in the complement of the trefoil knot. We wish to investigate these modular knots from the topological point of view. Let us first look at some examples.
For the matrix Before we discuss the nature of these knots, let us ask a seemingly simpler question: Given a hyperbolic integral matrix A with determinant 1, denote by kA the associated knot. Can one compute the linking number between kA and the trefoil knot? One should quickly recall the notion of linking number of two disjoint oriented knots in 3-space (also introduced by Gauss in the very different context of electromagnetism). Suppose that two oriented knots k1 (blue) and k2 (orange) do not intersect, and project them onto a plane in a generic way. These projections need not be disjoint of course.
Attach the sign +1 to the left situation and −1 to the right one, and sum these indices over the set of all crossings of k1 over k2. The result is called the linking number between k1 and k2. For instance, in the knot picture on the left, the blue curve crosses once over the orange one, with a '+1' sign, so that the linking number is '+1'. In the picture on the right, one has two cross-overs with different signs, so that the linking number is 0. The important point is that this number is independent of the (generic) projection used to compute it, and remains invariant if the knots move continuously without intersecting each other. Now, let us come back to our question, and try to compute the linking number between kA
and the trefoil knot. Recall that the trefoil knot is the boundary of a Seifert surface where the argument of Δ is equal
to some fixed value, for instance 0 (which corresponds to Δ being a positive real number). Given a closed oriented curve
This is described by the pictures below. For a given matrix A, one draws at the same time a Seifert surface and the knot kA. As the construction of kA evolves, it intersects the surface from time to time, positively or negatively. The linking number we are looking for is the sum of these signs. In the first instance, we get two plus signs, in the second instance, one plus sign, and two plus signs and one minus sign in the final one .
It turns out that there is a nice formula for computing this linking number which relates it to a famous arithmetical function. Consider the two matrices U= As it turns out, any integral matrix A with determinant 1 is conjugate, up to sign, to a product of U’s and V’s. For instance: A= The word in U and V is uniquely defined up to a cyclic permutation. For each matrix A, one can therefore define R(A) as the number of factors equal to U, minus the number of factors equal to V. This invariant of the matrix A will be called the Rademacher invariant of A. One of the results in [1] is the following: Theorem: The linking number between kA and the trefoil knot is equal to the Rademacher invariant of A. We can only refer to [1] for several proofs and more information, but in the next section we shall provide some interpretation. 4 Lorenz and modular knots4.1 The modular templateSo far we have discussed the periodic orbits in the Lorenz attractor, the Lorenz knots, and the periodic orbits of the modular flow, the modular knots. Theorem: Lorenz knots and modular knots coincide. More precisely, for every modular knot kA, one can deform it in 3-space to make it coincide with one of the periodic orbits of the Lorenz attractor, and conversely. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a proof here, and we will only show these deformations using some images and movies! We then extend this one dimensional object in the unstable direction to create a two dimensional template. One would need more technical details to give a full description, but we will limit ourselves to images showing the progressive development of the template. Note however that we are discussing topology, so that this construction is far from being unique, and we have made some specific choices for visual reasons.
Now the next task is to deform one of the modular knots in the complement of the trefoil knot, so that after the deformation, the knot lies on the template exactly like Lorenz knots. Again, we cannot give details and we refer to [1] for more. The general idea is to compress the space of lattices of area 1 to a small neighborhood of the one dimensional object, by using an old idea (again of Gauss !): given a lattice L, one seeks the shortest non zero vector v in L, which is usually unique up to sign, unless the lattice has a fundamental domain with the shape of a rhombus. Then one looks for the shortest vector w in L which is not proportional to v. These two vectors v ,w define a preferred basis of L. Now, one shortens w progressively while increasing the length of v , keeping the determinant constant equal to 1. Rather than going into details, let us look at some images showing the deformation of several modular knots until they are in a “Lorenz position”.
4.2 Two final remarksA final comment. We know that a Lorenz periodic orbit is coded by a finite list of symbols “left” and “right” expressing the itinerary of the orbit, visiting successively the left and right ears of the Lorenz template. One can check that if one associates to an orbit the product A of the matrices U and V in the same order as the “left” and “right”, then the above deformation identifies the Lorenz knot with the modular knot kA. Now, one sees that the right ear has linking number +1 with the trefoil and the left ear has linking number −1. It follows that the linking number of kA with the trefoil is equal to the number of U letters minus the number of the V letters in the word expressing A. This is one approach to the proof of the first theorem that we mentioned: the linking number of A and the trefoil is Rademacher’s number. A final treat. The modular flow is not the only remarkable
dynamical system on the space of lattices of area 1. One can also look at the
dynamics generated by the matrices
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